Hi everyone! My name is Heather and I've purchased the rights to sell these gorgeous temple prints and will now be running the site. There are many exciting changes coming, including AMAZING pricing on CANVASES! I'm lucky enough to have a cousin in the canvas printing business and he's generous enough to offer us beautiful, high-quality canvases at the lowest price I've ever seen!
I could dance around the kitchen, I'm so happy!
I'm also working to find a print house that will offer better bulk pricing on mounted temple prints and should have those lowered in the very near future as well.
My goal is to offer the most beautiful and affordable temple prints possible. Everyone should be able to afford to have one of the most important images of our faith hanging in their homes! I'm elated to be able to make this happen.
So, the new pricing for stretched canvases are as follows:
8x12 - $30
12x18 - $46
16x24 - $64
20x30 - $80
24x36 - $120
Email me to place an order and I will email you back with the shipping cost (please include your shipping address).
Thank you so much! I look forward to hearing from you!
<3 p="">Heather